Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thursday, April 19

Today was our first opportunity to have vocational experiences.  A key goal of the GSE program is for team members to learn about how their occupation is practiced in another country and culture.  While the host Rotarians always do their best to match team members with a similar situation, it's not a perfect science by any means.

Dangjin is a small city, so it's especially challenging.  Team members from the US experienced working/learning about a cell phone company, a local cable broadcast station, a bank, a museum and an accounting firm.  Most enjoyed the experience, even if it wasn't a perfect learning experience.

Our lunch and afternoon were spent with a university teacher of Korean culture.  We ate a very traditional Korean lunch and learned a bit about how to prepare it.  We made after lunch snacks, then experienced a Korean tea ceremony and dressed team members for a Korean wedding.  We took many pictures, asked many questions and had a good time.  However, the three hours we spent sitting on the floor were a ljttle much for our American backsides and knees!

After a brief period of free time, we made our presentation to the Rotary clubs of Dangjin, followed by our farewell dinner with these Rotarians and families.

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